ഈ ലേഖനത്തിനുള്ള അഭിപ്രായം അടച്ചു.



ഈതിന്‍റെ യൊജിപ്പു എങനെ?- ജാതകങലില്‍ മാഹെന്ദ്രവും,മധ്യമരജ്ജുവും
X REPORT ABUSE Date 27-09-09 (06:43 AM)


no we cant say taht it was required
X REPORT ABUSE Date 26-09-09 (04:41 PM)

cbkpoduval, astrolog

Of course, no need of matching if the couple or their parents do not mind in trying it out. If one prefers not to use a torch light in the darkness, nothing may happen, many things can happen too. Either way it is fine so long as he does not mind in accepting the fate. cbkpoduval astrologer
X REPORT ABUSE Date 26-09-09 (12:20 PM)


rohini star is boy pooruruttathi star is girl evar thammil cherumo?
X REPORT ABUSE Date 26-09-09 (03:20 AM)


Karthika star is girl and Pooram star is Boy evar thammil cherumo. pls reply for me. Rgds. Vijaya.
X REPORT ABUSE Date 25-09-09 (05:18 PM)