ഈ ലേഖനത്തിനുള്ള അഭിപ്രായം അടച്ചു.



Miracles will happen in the worship places, if the worship is in true and in spirit. Only the God almighty should become the motive and inspiration in worshipers and worship places. But, now the worship leaders are treating this worship as a business. Money i their motive. They are exploiting the belivers intention for the search of peace. The income generating from the worship should be deployed in the developement of worship activities and for helping the poor and needy people. Instead, the worship leaders considering this income as their own money. That's a big mistake. Belivers are giving this offering to God, not to worship leaders. Worship leaders should have to work for their living, not authorised to use any single penny belongs to God. Those worship leaders using the offerings for their personal purpose is indirectly treating themself as God! That's deity, human god. These people should b punished. The God almighty is self existing one. Nothing comparable to him. Whatever belo
X REPORT ABUSE Date 23-05-08 (09:46 AM)


X REPORT ABUSE Date 21-05-08 (12:13 AM)