ഈ ലേഖനത്തിനുള്ള അഭിപ്രായം അടച്ചു.


The Observer

In 2003 there were 1 million Christian in Iraq. After the liberation by the American DOഗ്സ് today we have just 500.000 ! IN Cairo Coptic Chritsians are on the run after the recent liberation. US's agenda is to destroy Islam using Islam itself. For this, they supported Islamic fundamentalists on one side while "waging war against terror" on the other side. US cannot be trusted! Killing of a captured soldier is a violation of Geneva Convention.
X REPORT ABUSE Date 21-10-11 (03:09 AM)


check the latest video and see how he was killed..and as afar as i know Gadaffi never violated geneva convention!!!!
X REPORT ABUSE Date 21-10-11 (10:34 AM)


we can take care of libya we are smart people in our world land we are realy rich people are we we are help all countre
X REPORT ABUSE Date 21-10-11 (12:50 AM)


observer..instead of assuming things...did u get a chance to speak to any libiyans ? speak then assume..i work in middleeast and i got the oppurtunity to speak to some
X REPORT ABUSE Date 20-10-11 (09:32 PM)


90% of them wish him to be dead or jailed.....
X REPORT ABUSE Date 20-10-11 (09:33 PM)

The Observer

Last weeks Time Magazine itself conceded that NATO's allies are former fundamentalists and talibanis...that include one the US itself once helped Libya to trace! I am not supporting Gaddafi or any dictator. But the US recipe is NOT good. Why did they (US, Britain and above all the most opportunistic of all nation France) cooperate with him all these 42 years??? All these conutries had suuplied arms to Gadaffi. Libya is a UN member nations. What right has NATO to attack a UN member?
X REPORT ABUSE Date 21-10-11 (03:06 AM)

The Observer

ഗഡാഫിക്കെതിരായി അമേരിക്കയും നാറ്റോയും കൂട്ടുപിടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത് തലിബനെയും ഇസ്ലാമിക് തീവ്രവാദികളേയുമാണു. പണ്ട് അഫ്ഘനിസ്താനില്‍ ചെയ്ത മാതിരി. കുറച്ചുനാള്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞാല്‍ അമേരിക്ക ഈ ഇസ്ലാമിക് തീവ്രവാദികളെ കുറ്റം പറഞ്ഞു ലിബിയയെ വീണ്ടും ആക്രമിക്കും! Down with the US sponsored Imperialism. Down with NATO!
X REPORT ABUSE Date 20-10-11 (08:25 PM)